
The END: Chapter 2

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Continuing from Chapter 1

Chapter 2

At this late hour of the evening, in a cold sweat Sarah half awoke from the fleeting dream of unbounded lust. All she could truly remember was her desire, her need, and—most of all—her envy. Her green eyes cracked with the light from the recent ordeal in the lab. She could still feel the ball of potential within her, waiting. Not fully conscious of what she was doing, Sarah focused on it. She willed it to give her a barest fraction what she craved; what she coveted. Sarah felt the pink energy breakout and cascade through her being. Enveloped in its warmth she willed herself to become something more.

In the dark of night, the bright pink lightning lensed through her green eyes and flowed over her body, augmenting and enhancing it. The pink potential energy became green genuine power. Her muscles strengthened; her mind expanded; her clitoris lengthened. Sarah was enraptured with the feeling of growing euphoria. She instinctually knew what parts of herself she valued. Her own preferences guiding the change, her body became more athletic and toned. Her already long legs lengthened. Her vigorous muscle fibers multiplied and entwined as she became supremely strong, supple, and slim. Yet, her breasts lost none of their substance and only grew in regality on her expanding frame. The tan of her skin deepened and began to radiate a warm allure as all the best parts of her, the parts she had cared about and cultivated throughout her life, magnified.

Subtle transformations accompanied the blatant. Sarah wasn’t even fully aware of the extent she cherished her social charisma, but all unconscious yearnings were realized in this reforging. Her vocal chords underwent a sophisticated alteration; the potential of her voice to be both melodious and commanding expanded exponentially. Her posture was already superb, but now she unconsciously adopted the perfect body language for each social situation, her personal allure going from suggestive to unequivocally manipulative. Her empathetic awareness expanded.

Nevertheless, euphoria changed to panic as dreamy ignorance became wakeful realization. In alarm, Sarah stumbled out of a bed rapidly becoming too small for her majesty. Her shredded nightie fell to the floor as she rose from the sweaty chaos of her sheets, her flowing red hair following her ascent like a phoenix’s flame. Now well over six-feet tall, a bewildered Sarah took stock of herself. The sparking of the green electricity subsided as she flexed her enhanced fingers. Clenching them into a fist, the muscles of her reinforced arm tightening, she could feel the untampered strength and restrained violence they contained; power.

Every human, dear reader, has a different definition of that word: “power.” For Sarah, it has always been affecting others positively, and her physical presence. She was getting her masters in education, but this was always her unvoiced passion. Thus, we can hardly blame her if her first reaction—after her bewilderment had reverted to joy—was to reach for her cell phone to call her boyfriend, Brad. Her warm green eyes glowed with aroused lust in the darkness of the bedroom; the emerging knowledge of her new capacity swimming behind those emerald pools.

The phone was picked up after the third ring. “What?” was Brad’s unmagnanimous greeting to this late night booty call.

“It’s Sarah.” The siren call of Sarah’s voice was transmitted through the æther.

On the other end Brad blinked, stunned by the beguiling sound. “What...”

Whatever he was about to say was cut off as Sarah gave a yelp of surprise. She had continued exploring her body as she phoned and had just grasped her new six-inch long clitoris; fat as a thick sausage and engorged with blood, its nerve endings sparked with sensitivity.

His sleepy disorientation wearing off, Brad went into his default mode: chivalrous. Starting out of bed from his damsel’s cry, he asked, “You alright, babe?”

Still grasping her sensitive pseudocock shaft, Sarah recovered, but nevertheless was shaken by her current discovery. Not wishing to drag the interaction out, she simply stated “I need you; come over.” The command was undeniable, not that a college-aged male needed much extra incentive to make a conjugal visit to his girlfriend.

“Yes, of course,” was the dazed response Sarah heard as she hung-up.

Looking down at the engorged rod between her legs, Sarah Saber realized she now had a saber of her own. Its bloodred length beat in time with her enhanced heart and she could feel her own excitement feeding it. Part of her understood that her own desires had fueled her transformation, which was one of the reasons she found this new dick-like accouterment a surprise. Sarah hadn’t known she harbored penis envy.

As she waited for Brad, Sarah threw on the largest clothes she owned, a once baggy t-shirt and loose fitting sweats that now form-fitted her new immensity. So attired, and after devouring a large bowl of sugary cereal, Sarah decided to check on Lisa. She cracked the door to her roommate’s room and saw Lisa’s frail form fitfully sleeping. On impulse, the ‎statuesque Sarah entered and sat lightly next to her best friend. Dreamily, Lisa’s nightmarish sleep was broken by the disturbance. At seeing her once-lover perfected and looming over her, Lisa’s fathomless royal azure eyes opened wide. Those depthless blue orbs naked without the protection of glass.

Sarah looked at the dark wall of her roommate’s room reflecting on the night's events. The two sat in silence; Lisa seemed assured this was a dream she didn’t want to wake from. Sarah didn’t know how long she paused as an awed Lisa looked up at her, but soon Brad would arrive. Sarah looked down at her friend. Careful not to meet Lisa’s empty eyes, which Sarah noticed for the first time seemed to glow slightly, she slowly pushed Lisa back onto the bed. Her hand on Lisa’s chest, the newly enhanced woman caused the other’s breathing to become relaxed, forcing calm and rest into the smaller girls frame, willing her to sleep.

I feel, dear reader, it is important at this juncture to emphasize that none of Sarah’s abilities where nonphysical, simply empathetic. While her transformation itself bordered on the supernatural, her calming of Lisa and commanding of Brad were simply appeals to evolutionary subprograms all you mortals have. Sarah calmed herself and extended that calm into Lisa, using primal body language and touch to appeal to shared base instincts. The message was: everything is safe; the predators are far away; you can rest.

A knock could be heard at the front door. Sarah whispered, “Sleep” into her ear and, as Lisa’s lids grew heavy, left to greet Brad. She turned around at the door to her roommate’s room and was pleased to see that her new talents had passed this test. Lisa was deeply asleep. It was possibly the most restful slumber of her persecuted existence.

Exiting the lair of the slumbering Basilisc, Sarah wasted no time in answering the knock. She flung open the door, and before Brad could register what she’d become, she kissed the muscle-bound boy. Sarah was now taller than Brad, so he immediately knew something was different. But, the passion and power Sarah delivered with her lips overwhelmed him and made his thoughts foggy. Sarah’s overtly lewd tongue explored her lover’s mouth, and blood fled from both their heads to engorge their erotic parts. Sarah’s overstimulated nipples hardened, as did her extended clit. Brad’s sizable member sprang to attention, heeding the most basic of calls.

Still lip-locked, Sarah pulled her muscular boyfriend deeper into the apartment, ripping his clothing off as she did. This violent action was enough to briefly break the siren spell she was casting. Brad broke the embrace long enough to look down at his favorite jersey, now destroyed. In anger, the jock exclaimed, “What the fuck?” pulling on his shredded shirt.

Then he fully took in Sarah’s enchanted being. In wide-eyed awe, the jock whispered: “What the fuck?”

Without explanation, the towering Sarah forced Brad to resume their kiss, and continued maneuvering him to her bedroom. As her tongue snaked down his throat, her dexterous digits dropped down and wrapped themselves around his throbbing hardon. Sarah was a giving lover, and she decided to see how quickly she could give her stud an orgasm. Answering “immediately” wouldn't have been an exaggeration.

As Brad grunted unintelligibly, Sarah milked his spasming member for everything it was worth. The strapping legs of brawny Brad began to buckle from the overwhelming sensation just as Sarah threw his wilting form onto her bed.

Sarah gave her strained lover a reprieve by performing a mythical strip show, worthy of any Greek demigoddess. Her once baggy (now too tight) t-shirt came off as her inhumanly lithe body gyrated, gravity-defying breasts looming large over Brad’s collapsed form. Perfect hips writhed in a lustful pattern that would’ve had a hula dancer blushing. Sarah removed her taut sweats. Her rocking round rump monopolized Brad’s view, hiding her hard hotdog of a clit.

This lewd display would’ve had a popstar swooning from immodesty. Sarah’s youthful lover had no trouble rebounding in the worst of conditions, and Brad became re-erect in record time. Sarah drew his eyes with her hypnotically swaying breasts as she mounted and took him into her. She could feel him yearning to climax again, but she used her new vice-like vaginal muscles to clamp down on his shaft. The pressure in his rod wouldn’t be released until she willed it. His excitement had no repose as his pleasure mounted to dizzying new heights. Brad wasn’t selfish and would have normally stimulated Sarah’s erotic zones, but the mounting ecstasy was driving rational thoughts from his head faster than they could form. It was all he could do to hang on to consciousness as this angelic version of his lover had her way with him. Stroking her own shaft, Sarah looked down at her nearly senseless partner, trying desperately to slake her own inhuman lust.

Sarah felt Brad’s arousal intensify beyond tolerance as she strove to reach the level of sensation she envied. But, she knew Brad could not bring her there. She briefly contemplated flipping his overtaxed body over and pegging him, but dismissed it. She knew it would prove futile regardless. Instead, just as she felt his unbearable pleasure was about to change to excruciating pain, she—with a heartfelt sigh—released her slit’s death-grip on his burning pole.

Brad cried to the heavens as he came and came, Sarah’s hips extorting the eruption further. It was as if Brad tried to pour his very being into Sarah, his balls giving her all they had ever held. Sarah pumped, extracting what sensation she could in these last moments. She let the crescendo continue until she worried Brad might cum blood, only then did she stop. The ordeal over, Brad experienced la petite mort, 'the little death,' falling into complete unconsciousness.

Sarah looked down at the spent “Alpha Male” she had just used like a wad of tissue paper. She had enjoyed herself, to be sure, but deep in her heart she longed for more. A less scrupulous individual might have looked for new conquests, or simply had their way with their half-dead lover. But, Sarah is a girl with principles. Something you, dear reader, should be very very thankful for. You should be falling to your worthless knees in abject... but... well.... Time enough to go into that when you’re better informed....

Let us say instead, Sarah finished herself off next to the slumbering form of her man. What she did to herself was more than any mortal would’ve been able to endure, and—while she did finish—she still felt cheated. As if there was a higher sensation she wanted, but could not reach. With another heartfelt sigh she slept herself.


Sarah didn’t remember her dreams during this slumber either, but she woke feeling that her sensual itch had been scratched.

Brad was still sleeping as Sarah went to get breakfast. She felt a little odd standing there in the pale morning light of the cold kitchen, a virtual demigoddess in an ill-fitting t-shirt and sweats pouring herself a bowl of surgery cereal. Perched upon a now too small stool and munching on the colorful grain, Sarah turned to see a bespectacled Lisa—stunned and stupefied—staring at her.

“Morning roomie,” the statuesque Sarah said casually as she walked to her customary seat, which was now a more than a little small for her. Sarah made sure not to crush her stool as she sat.

Lisa’s jaw hung comically open as Sarah ate her cereal. “You’re letting the flies in,” Sarah said. “Nothing to say to your roomie?”

A whispered “Inconceivable,” was all Lisa managed.

“You keep using that word.” Sarah said. “I don’t think it means what you... well.... Actually, it does mean what you think it means.”

From the bedroom Brad could be heard rousing himself. “Anyone get the license plate of the truck that ran over my dick?” He bellowed good-naturedly.

He emerged from the bedroom swaggering, holding his shredded clothing against his sore body. Despite his initial confident demander, he was slightly bent over. His groin was clearly still stinging from last night.

As he lifted his eyes to see the cereal-eating amazon he began to speak, “There she...”

His arrogance fled in the face of the fiery-haired demigoddess that had once been his pretty girlfriend. As the magnitude of what he was witnessing fully took hold, his haughty expression vanished.  “,” he choked out, then joined Lisa in stunned silence.

Sarah looked at her fawning friends as she munched. Other than the crunching from of her radiant teeth, the quiet was complete. Finally she said, “Knock it off you two. It’s me Sarah, remember? Sarah Saber?”

“Is it?” Brad asked bewildered.

It wasn’t so much Sarah’s unearthly presence that had Lisa and Brad spellbound, it was the shock of seeing something so well known transformed into this dragon of a woman. It was as if you awoke one morning to find your housecat changed into a tiger, or your small dog transformed into a dire wolf. Even just sitting there, Sarah’s body spoke of a higher kind of predator; one step up the preverbal food chain. Brad and Lisa didn’t know how to act around this dangerous creature that still looked so much like their dearest friend.

“Yes, it is,” Sarah signed. “Stop staring. You’re creeping me out.” Then with the barest hint of command as she continued, “Close your mouths and act normal, you two. Don’t treat me special. It’s me, Sarah Saber. Act accordingly.”

The two blinked as if coming out of a dream. With this assurance a little normality returned. As if your housecat-now-tiger had rubbed your leg and indicated it wanted breakfast, just as it did every morning. They understood this was their longtime friend and they shouldn’t be afraid. How naive mortals are, dear reader. How thoughtlessly you fall back to rote, willfully ignorant of how closely you skirt calamity.

Brad, recovering first, said: “Well, we had fun last night.”

“You certainly did,” Sarah japed, relieved to see Brad returning—at least a little—to normal.

Brad, oblivious to the jab, continued. “What the hell happened, anyway? What’s going on? Why are you... HOW are you....” words failing he gesticulated at Sarah’s expanded form.

Lisa had remained silent, but now spoke. “She doesn’t know.” The revelation just occurring to her.

Becoming himself once again, Brad noticed the mousy blond for the first time. “Oh, hey Lisa. I hope we didn’t keep you up late last night.” He winked at Sarah, who—despite still sensing the lingering tension—found herself fondly rolling her emerald eyes at the quip.

Lisa, oblivious to the jest, responded matter-of-factly. “No. I slept well...” Then on contemplation of last night’s rest continued, “That’s... odd.”

“Well, I’m surprised you could sleep at all, what with all the noise. It felt like we were at it for hours. You’d say hours, right babe?” Sarah could see Brad’s self-confident mask was back on.

Sarah felt like she was seeing her boyfriend for the first time. Her newly enhanced empathy let her discern every flaw in his jock caricature. Now, with her new supremely empathetic perspective, she could see how much more of his demeanor was just chest puffery. He was insecure, but she could also sense he was sincerely a nice guy. That—at least—wasn’t an act, more's the pity, dear reader. But, this new insight into his discomfort was making her uncomfortable. “7 minutes and 34 seconds,” she said absentmindedly.

“What?” Brad asked, his darting brown eyes the only hint at his uncertainty.

“I think she was answering your question,” Lisa stated. She was now studying her expanded friend as she might examine a lab experiment.

Sarah’s focus switched from her relatively new lover to her oldest companion. As she did, she also seemed to see the nerdy Lisa for the first time. The disregard of health and appearance in favor of the obsessive pursuit of knowledge, things Sarah already knew, were there plain as day. But, now Sarah could see deeper into her best friend then she ever had before. The logical dweeb was simply the surface of the diminutive blonde. Below that external façade Sarah was seeing something she would never before have attributed to Lisa: roiling rage. There were restrained emotions furiously boiling below the surface of her enigmatic friend. Lisa might act robotic, but she was human and subject to all that entailed. This was the repressed intensity Lisa had learned to hide from others; a deep-rooted anger at the entire world. Sarah’s warm emerald eyes gazed at her constrained roommate and she was undeniably disturbed at what she saw. The underlying animosity towards the world was only part of what Lisa was hiding. The slight narrowing of the eyes; the lip turned in a small pout....

“Jealousy?” Sarah exclaimed, more surprised than anything else.

“What?” Lisa asked, taken aback both by the sudden question and the intensity of Sarah’s stare.

Unthinkingly Sarah incredulously stated, “You’re jealous of me.”

At the blunt truth in the direct statement, for the first time in a very long time, Lisa’s bounded hate truly broke free. Like a dam exploding, uncontrolled anger flooded the pale girl’s face. Rage echoed in every word as she spoke. “Jealous? JEALOUS? You need to ask, dear Sarah?” She spat the words through clenched teeth, gesturing with balled hands. “Yes, I’m jealous! I’ve always been jealous! How could I NOT be? And now... now, look at you!”

“Always?” Sarah asked flabbergasted. In the face of this unexpected outpouring from her petite companion, she felt foolish for the first time since her transformation.

“I can see you girls have a lot to talk about.” Brad said, quickly stumbling towards the exit, comically clutching his destroyed pants. The girls ignored him, their attention on one another. “Well, I’ll see you later, Sarah.” The jock said hastily as he closed the door. “Call me, babe.” A relived sigh could be heard in the hallway as the door shut behind the fleeing figure.

Sarah was in unfamiliar waters. Her new knowledge of her cold friend was conflicting with what she thought she had already worked out; her new understanding clashing with formerly unshakable truths. Seeing her closest friend laid bare before her was unnerving. She had never guessed at this dark side of her Vulcan-like compatriot.  

Sarah knew she shouldn’t ask. But, who she had been before the transformation had to ask. So, she did, “Why would you be jealous?”

Sarah might have become ascended, but she was still Sarah Saber and the mortal before her was still Lisa Basilisc, her closest friend. Sarah Saber NEEDED to ask.

“Why?” Lisa was literally trembling in barely contained rage. “You don’t need me to tell you, dear Sarah. You know. You’ve always known.”

The ginger demigoddess answered the accusation. “I know now, but I didn’t before. How could I have known before? You don’t care about appearance; you don’t care about what others think. I know that... knew that…”

Still shaking, Lisa purposely reached up and removed her glasses. Her exposed azure eyes looked defiantly at the being before her, like the moral Arachne challenging the goddess Athena. “Look me in the eyes and say that,” Lisa whispered.

Sarah decided to test her new abilities in this unconquered arena; she stared back into those twin cobalt abysses Lisa Basilisc called eyes. Radiant Sarah found herself falling into those depthless dark pits as always, but for the first time she wasn’t lost in the ultramarine void. The inky fathoms of Basilisc’s empty eyes seemed, for the first time, familiar. Sarah still felt unsettled, but she remained in control.

Into that vacuous blue emptiness Sarah spoke the words: “I never knew.”

And, like Arachne, Lisa lost. Speechless, her mouth opened and closed as all the unbound anger drained from Lisa’s pale face to be replaced with shock. Then Lisa’s fathomless ocular sapphires turned and fled from Sarah’s scintillating emerald eyes.

Continued in Chapter 3
The shortest wait for the shortest part. Chapter 2 is the smallest. Chapter 3 is the longest. Chapter 2 is more of a transitional chapter, but is necessary for the intensity which follows. You will not be disappointed by what comes next. 

People have already—rightfully—started to compare this story to Queen of All. Queen of All was my first attempt at telling stories in this genre (Though, of course, Saxxon wrote Queen of All, albeit at my request).

I know now I have spent my entire career telling and retelling the same story over and over. Different reflections of the same paradigm, the same archetype. Inadequately trying to tell the original, but only coming up with pale shadows.  Yet, to my despair, I know I have now succeeded. I have written the smallest glimpse of the origin of all such stories. The END is also the beginning; the 
progenitor. This is a true rendition of the tale we always tried to tell. I dug too greedily and too deeply only to find what I sought was more horrendous than any could have imagined. What I called forth in ignorance cannot be called back.  I know I will not be forgiven for what I have done.

The END is the inception of what we write and why we write it.

You will soon understand as I do. And
in that knowledgewish you could forget.

Mr. GreyMan
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